


2."一次性 纸杯"英语怎么翻译?









       ■consumable:something that you buy and use, after which you buy a new one(消费品). e.g.

       low-margin consumables like health and beauty aids

       Suppliers add computer consumables, office equipment and furniture to their product range.


       ■deliverable: a product that a company promises to have ready for a customer(交付物). e.g.

       computer software deliverables


       ■disposable:a disposable product, especially a disposable nappy(一次性物品,尤指一次性尿布). e.g.

       paper disposables

       plastic disposables

       medical disposables

       Do you use disposables or washable nappies?

       It's estimated that around 80 per cent of babies wear disposables.


       ■durable:Durables are goods such as televisions or cars which are expected to last a long time, and are bought infrequently(耐用品)


       ■inflatable:an object that you fill with air before you use it, for example a ball or boat(充气玩具).


       ■notable:an important or famous person(名人,显要人物). e.g.

       All the usual local notables were there.

       Other notables among his pupils were the kings of Saudi Arabia and Thailand.


       ■portable: something that is portable, for example a small computer or other small piece of electrical equipment(便携式物品。尤指便携式电脑或电子设备). e.g.

       The document had been typed on a small portable.

       We bought a colour portable for the bedroom.

       The kids are upstairs watching the portable (= television).


       ■receivable:assets of a business represented by accounts that still have to be paid(应收帐款)


       ■rechargeable:a rechargeable battery(蓄电池). eg.

       It is more expensive to run a personal stereo on disposable batteries than on rechargeables.


       ■undesirable:someone who is thought to be dangerous or involved in crime (不良分子;不受欢迎的人). eg.

       The club hires a bouncer to keep out undesirables.

       The Home Office is usually quick to deport undesirables.



"一次性 纸杯"英语怎么翻译?

       disposable sampling swab翻译成中文是一次性取样拭子。

       disposable :是可任意处理的;一次性的;用后即丢弃的;可动用的;可自由支配的。sampling:抽样;取样;(乐曲的)节录,选录。swab: (医用的)拭子,药签;用拭子对(人体)化验标本的采集。








       disposable cups


       Use?cups?or?re-usable?drinking bottles?instead?of?disposable?cups.?



       1、读音? /d?'spoz?bl/?


       adj. 可任意处理的;可自由使用的;用完即可丢弃的






       1、disposable slippers?



       In order to?guarantee?your?safety,?please?do not?wear?disposable?slippers?when taking a bath!?


       2、disposable income?





       3、disposable chopsticks?







       disposable chopsticks

       throwaway chopsticks

       one-off chopsticks


       adj. 用后即丢弃的,一次性的;可动用的

       disposable diapers

       用后即丢弃的尿布 A devise is the act of disposing property.

       遗赠是一种处理财产的行为。profits and losses on disposal of investments

       转让投资的损益 chopsticks是什么意思:

       n. 筷子

       I eat noodles with chopsticks.

       我用筷子吃面。It is impolite to poke the top of food with chopsticks.

       用筷子戳食物项端是不礼貌的。Move the top chopstick to pick up food.

       挪动两根筷子下方就可夹起食物。 throwaway是什么意思:

       n. 广告传单,散单,宣传小册子;

       n. 用完即扔的东西;(戏剧等中)随意一带而过的台词;

       a. 用完即 扔的;偶发的,随便的;漫不经心讲出的

       a sentence fragment or quirky throwaway metaphor(Joyce Carol Oates)

       一个支离破碎的句子和一个古怪的一笔带过的比喻(乔伊丝·卡罗尔·奥茨)But although welcomed by environmental groups, such piecemeal moves may not have enough impact to turn back the tide of rubbish in an inveterate throwaway society.




       disposable dishware



       adj. 用后即丢弃的,一次性的;可动用的

       disposable diapers

       用后即丢弃的尿布 A devise is the act of disposing property.

       遗赠是一种处理财产的行为。profits and losses on disposal of investments

       转让投资的损益 They disposed troops along the river.

       他们沿河布置了军队。He has disposed of the rubbish properly.


       n. 碟,盆之类


       Disposable 的反义字不是posable A disposable product: ㄧ个抛弃式产品 A posable doll: ㄧ个摆姿势的洋娃娃 Disposable 的反义字可为: reusable A reusable product: ㄧ个可多次使用产品

        因为disposable 有着因为主观地认为没有价值而弃置的的意思(不是 即弃的 的意思) Collectible 应该最合适 因为 Collectible 有着主观地认为有价值而且喜欢 而去蒐集的 去珍藏的 的意思 cherishable 应该在某些场合适用 但却没有 "收藏的"的意思.

        Both sustainable and sustained adj.; are the wer. sustainable:-eg:-The t. should do more to promote sustainable agriculture

        sustainable use of rainforest resources with a period of sustained economic development.



        Disposable vs Retrievable Yip





       英文意思是:Disposable tableware

       邀请我也可以读作:disposable dishware;

       Disposable tableware



       英 [d?sp?z?bl] 美 [d?spo?z?bl]





       复数: disposables


       英 [?te?blwe?(r)] 美 [?te?blwer]









       disposable chopsticks?一次性筷子

       disposable diaper?一次性尿片,纸尿裤

       waste disposal?废物处理;废物处理装置

       at your disposal?任意使用;任你自由支配;听你差遣


       The?use?of?disposable?products?is considered?ecologically?unsound.


       Attempts?are being?made to solve?the?problem?of?waste?disposal.






