









       think既可以作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,有认为、以为、思索、思想、琢磨等含义,用作名词有想法等含义,常用语有think and think细想、come to think of it细想一下、have got another think coming想错了、think again再想一次、think aloud自言自语、think better of想到关于比较好的、think big(非正式)雄心勃勃、think fitv宁愿等。


       1、Third,they help you think through the interface and requirements of each unit.第三,它们可以帮助您思考每个单元的接口和要求。

       2、There's a danger they're ill-equipped to think through potential unintended consequences.有一种危险的情况是,他们没有足够的能力去考虑潜在的意外后果。

       3、Thank you for helping me think through so many issues over the past 5 years,and as always,thanks for reading.谢谢你在过去五年里助我解决了如此多的问题,我也始终感谢你的阅读。

       4、So think through what this change might break.所以好好想想这个改变会导致什么破坏。

       5、Think through the problem or task a little longer,long enough so you can clearly explain what you want to achieve.多考虑一下这个问题或者任务,这样你可以尽早的提出你希望实现什么。












       2、think作“认为”解时,可接复合宾语,其宾语由名词、动名词、动词不定式或that从句充当。充当宾语的动名词、动词不定式或that从句常置于宾语补足语之后,而以it作形式宾语置于宾语补足语之前;其宾语补足语可由“(to be+) n./adj./v -ed”充当,有时也可以 v -ing充当。






       想, 思索, 认为


       认为, 以为, 预料







       thought[th?t], thinks及物动词)

       To have or formulate in the mind.


       To reason about or reflect on; ponder:


       Think how complex language is. Think the matter through.


       To decide by reasoning, reflection, or pondering:


       thinking what to do.


       To judge or regard; look upon:


       I think it only fair.


       To believe; suppose:


       always thought he was right.


       To expect; hope:


       They thought she'd arrive early.


       To intend:


       They thought they'd take their time.


       To call to mind; remember:


       I can't think what her name was.


       To visualize; imagine:


       Think what a scene it will be at the reunion.


       To devise or evolve; invent:


       thought up a plan to get rich quick.


       To bring into a given condition by mental preoccupation:


       He thought himself into a panic over the impending examination.


       To concentrate one's thoughts on:


       “Think languor”(Diana Vreeland)



       To exercise the power of reason, as by conceiving ideas, drawing inferences, and using judgment.


       To weigh or consider an idea:


       They are thinking about moving.


       To bring a thought to mind by imagination or invention:


       No one before had thought of bifocal glasses.


       To recall a thought or an image to mind:


       She thought of her childhood when she saw the movie.


       To believe; suppose:


       He thinks of himself as a wit. It's later than you think.


       To have care or consideration:


       Think first of the ones you love.


       To dispose the mind in a given way:


       Do you think so?


       adj.Informal (形容词)非正式用语

       Requiring much thought to create or assimilate:


       a think book.



       The act or an instance of deliberate or extended thinking; a meditation.


       come to think of it非正式用语

       When one considers the matter; on reflection:


       Come to think of it, that road back there was the one we were supposed to take.


       think aloud或

       think out loud

       To speak one's thoughts audibly.


       think nothing of

       To give little consideration to; regard as routine or usual:


       thought nothing of a 50-mile trip every day.


       think twice

       To weigh something carefully:


       I'd think twice before spending all that money on clothes.


       Middle English thenken

       中古英语 thenken

       from Old English thencan * see tong-

       源自 古英语 thencan *参见 tong-

       think, cerebrate, cogitate, reason, reflect, speculate

       The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to use the powers of the mind, as in conceiving ideas or drawing inferences”:


       thought before answering;


       sat in front of the fire cerebrating;


       cogitating about business problems;


       reasons clearly;


       took time to reflect before deciding;


       speculating on what has happened.






       想; 考虑; 思索

       以为, 认为

       企图, 预料

       想象; 揣测, 猜想

       使想(得); 感到

       I'm thinking what to do next.


       Do you think it will rain.


       I didn't think to find you here.


       He thinks to escape punishment.


       I can't think how you do it.


       Tom thought himself into a dilemma.


       I thought shame to be so careless.

       我因为这样粗枝大叶而感到 惭愧。




       想; 思考

       记忆, 忆及, 想到

       认为; 料想

       意欲, 企图

       发现, 想出


       Are animals able to think?


       You should think before doing that.


       I can't think of his name at the moment.


       I'm not sure, but I rather think so.

       我不能断定, 但我以为是如此。

       I even thought of resigning.


       Can you think of a good place for the holidays?


       I don't think much of him.





       [俗]思索, 思考, 考虑; 想, 想法

       You had better have another think.


       Let's exchange thinks.





       思想方面的, 供思考的

       a think film


       think columnist


       think piece


       think tank, think factory


       think tanker











       I think you are very brave.




       2、think作“认为”解时,可接复合宾语,其宾语由名词、动名词、动词不定式或that从句充当。充当宾语的动名词、动词不定式或that从句常置于宾语补足语之后,而以it作形式宾语置于宾语补足语之前(it现在趋向省去); 其宾语补足语可由“(to be+) n./adj./v -ed”充当,有时也可以 v -ing充当。







       Please take time to consider the problem.




